7 Super Simple Tips to Lose Weight

   Something tells us you won’t miss those extra pounds.


Studies show that the simpler your diet, the easier it is to stick to over the long haul. Follow these steps to streamline your plan and shed unwanted pounds for good.
1. Make friends with your scale. 
If you want to lose weight, think of your scale as a friend, not a foe. Weigh yourself once a day, first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom and getting undressed (water weight and clothing can throw off the number). Track your results, and stay motivated by following the weight graph's changes over the next few weeks.
2. Post goals in spots you'll see.
 Keep yours top of mind by writing them down and posting in several places where you'll notice them often—on your computer monitor, on the fridge, in your wallet. Then tell someone about it. Research conducted by the Dominican University of California showed that people who wrote down their goals, shared them with a friend, and then followed up with weekly updates were, on average, 33 percent more successful than those who didn't write down their goals or share them with others.
3. Write down every bite, nibble, and swallow. 
According to recent studies, participants who keep a daily food journal lose twice as much weight as those who don't. Keep track today by recording the food and portion size. Don't forget to write down beverage calories, too. While tracking every day leads to more weight loss success, do what feels right to you. If tracking for two days a week is more realistic, then commit to completing that goal and staying mindful of what you eat the other days
4. Eat breakfast every single day.
 Eating breakfast is like giving your metabolism a little jolt, causing it to rise faster and burn calories at an optimal rate. It can also help you keep weight off in the long term. According to data from the National Weight Control Registry on people who have maintained a weight loss of around 30 pounds for at least a year, 78 percent of the people reported eating breakfast every day. What you eat for breakfast is key, says Angela Ginn, R.D., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. She suggests you choose foods with a lower glycemic index to keep blood sugar low and energy high, such as barley, which is high in fiber and has a nutty, wholesome flavor. "Get hulled barley and make it the same way you would oatmeal, and add healthy toppings," says Ginn.
5. Think outside the apple.
 Change up the old standby fruits and veggies you've been rotating in your daily menu. Try Clementines, figs, or Asian pears—whatever's in season and isn't more of the same old apples, bananas, and baby carrots.
6. Plan healthy snacks like you do meals.
 Prepare for afternoon hunger with nutritious snacks you bring from home, says Jim White, R.D., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Writing down what snacks you'll eat and when you'll have them will keep you from grazing, so you'll be less likely to overeat, he says. Aim to have your snack three to four hours after lunch to keep energy revved.
7. Ramp up water intake.
 People who drink about 7 cups of water a day eat nearly 200 fewer calories than those who get less than a glass a day, reports a study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Hunger and thirst are easy to confuse, says Marjorie Nolan, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: "The last thing you want when you're trying to lose weight is to think you're hungry when you're actually thirsty." In order to get those seven cups in, drink one cup with each meal and snack, have a cup before and after your workout, and make time for a cup of decaf tea in the afternoon or evening.


Written by Hmile

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